¡¡Chinese Journal of Computers   Full Text
  TitleSoftware Analysis: A Road Map
  AuthorsMEI Hong1) WANG Qian-Xiang1) ZHANG Lu1) WANG Ji2)
  Address1)(Key Laboratory for High Confidence Software Technologies of Ministry of Education, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871) 2)(National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, School of Computer Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073)
  Abstract &
Abstract Research on software analysis has long history. It has been widely used in many processes in software lifecycle. The software analysis technologies that are used in different processes are different, while there are many interleaves among them. This paper discusses the concept of software analysis, followed with main software analysis technologies and related tools, from view of static analysis and dynamic analysis. Some relationships between software analysis and software quality characters are introduced, so as to provide some hints when some specific software character is under analyzing. The future of software analysis is discussed in the end of this paper. Keywords software analysis; static analysis; dynamic analysis; software quality