¡¡Chinese Journal of Computers   Full Text
  TitleA Double Auction Method for Resource Allocation on Computational Grids
  AuthorsWENG Chu-Liang LU Xin-Da
  Address(Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030)
  Abstract &
Abstract Considering dynamic, heterogeneous and autonomous characteristics of computing resources in the computational grid environment and the flexibility and effectivity of economics methods applied to solve the problem of resource management, a modified double auction method for resource allocation on computational grids is presented. Firstly, a double auction framework for resource allocation in the computational grid environment is described, which consists of buyers, sellers and one market maker. Secondly, a modified double auction mechanism is presented, where the uniform auction is adopted aiming at CPU resources, and the transaction fee can be adjusted flexibly. Thirdly, the property of the presented double auction mechanism is discussed, and the presented double auction mechanism proves to satisfy dominant strategy incentive compatibility, budget balance, and individual rationale, in addition the efficiency of the double auction mechanism is defined. Finally, the efficiency of the presented double auction mechanism is analyzed through experiments, and experimental results show that the efficiency of the presented double auction mechanism increases as the number of buyers and sellers increases, and indicate that the presented double auction mechanism is suitable for large-scale grid computing systems. Moreover, the difference between the number of sellers and the number of buyers can also have influence on the efficiency.

keywords computational grid; resource allocation; double auction; efficiency; simulation

background This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant Nos.60173031, 60503043, which titles are ¡°The Key Technology to Adaptive Metacomputing Systems in Campus Network Environment¡± and ¡°The Key Technology to Economic Models in the Grid Context¡±, respectively. The two projects focus on resource management and task scheduling in the grid context, in which the adaptive method and the economic mechanism are adopted respectively. Authors had made some work on resource management strategies and task scheduling algorithms. This paper focuses on applying the double auction mechanism to resource allocation in the grid environment.