¡¡Chinese Journal of Computers   Full Text
  TitleReceipt-Free Electronic Voting Based on Semi-Trusted Model
  AuthorsCHEN Xiao-Feng WANG Ji-Lin WANG Yu-Min
  Address£¨National Key Laboratory of Integrated Serviced Networks, Xidian University, Xi¡®an 710071£©
  Abstract &
A receipt-free electronic voting scheme is proposed by using the techniques of homomorphic ElGamal encryption, threshold encryption and proof of knowledge. It guarantees privacy, universal verifiability, and fairness. Different from the previous protocols, the proposed scheme is based on semi-trusted model, i.e., voters need not to trust the so-called ¡°trusted third party¡± entirely. Firstly the definition of ¡°trust¡± is given, and then it is proved that the proposed scheme guarantees receipt-free on semi-trusted model which can prevent the crimes of voting such as ¡°vote buying¡±, ¡°coercible vote¡± etc.
keywords homomorphic ElGamal encryption; threshold encryption; proof of knowledge; receipt-free